Surimi Innovation Quarry
What did we do?
/ Branding / Strategy / Innovation /Research
Surimi is a product with great future potential, not only due to its current reach but also because of its numerous potential applications, nutritional value, and flavor. However, it also faces some image barriers that Pescanova aims to overcome.
Developing a quarry of innovation concepts based on surimi—ideas that aim to delight consumers, break current product barriers, maximize alignment with the brand, and enhance net growth while minimizing cannibalization.
The process is developed in following stages:
1. Understanding and consensus regarding the brand equity: strengths and weaknesses and the role that surimi can play in this positioning.
2. Identification of the ‘Where to play’ or business opportunities with significant potential where surimi fits. For example, light dinner, nutritious snack, healthy snack, etc.”Sesiones de ideación y creatividad sobre el “How to win”. Cada oportunidad de negocio tiene sus retos, insights de consumidor, formatos de producto y de pack ideales. A partir de esta información y con un equipo multidisciplinar (nutrición, ventas, desarrollo de producto, marketing, …) ideamos diferentes pre-conceptos de innovación.
3. The pre-concepts are screened with consumers, and the winning concepts are developed. These concepts are then prioritized through a consensus and alignment exercise with the company’s executive committee.
The result is the development of a feasible and aligned innovation quarry, created from within and based on a deep understanding of the consumer.