More efficient Christmas Campofrío campaig

What did we do?
/ Research
It is almost a national event already – every year, we eagerly await to see how the Campofrío Christmas advertisement will be. This brand challenges itself to surpass expectations each winter. Extracting lessons from each campaign enables them to enhance their work in the following one, and at Vectis, we have been accompanying them on this journey for 6 years.
Extracting insights from the ads executed each Christmas to better inform the subsequent briefing.

We conduct consumer research to answer questions such as
– Which characters work best? Is it preferable to use many or few?
– Multi-stories or a single scene from start to finish? Ideal duration?
– What are the winning still lifes? And which product shots are the most appealing?
– …
All this knowledge enables Campofrío to surpass itself every year and improve the efficiency of the investment in media.