Development of a commercial strategy for the
online channel over 2-3 years

Strategic vision adapted to the channel. Looking outward, improving inward to have a clear understanding of where we are heading and what we can truly achieve.
Today, it goes without saying that the online channel is strategic in the development of any commercial and communication activities in fast-moving consumer goods brands. However, there is generally a lack of methodology and knowledge to answer the most basic and relevant questions:
– Which customers do we prioritize? Based on what criteria?
– Where do we have the most potential for growth? With which products?
– What can I request and not request in negotiations with online retailers?
What did we do?
- Identifying the best opportunities for growth based on qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- External benchmarking to identify the success factors of brands performing well in the online channel.
- Developing the brand’s negotiation strategy for online retailers.
- Defining realistic objectives and growth targets for the next 3-5 years based on industry trends and the potential of different customers.
- Developing the strategic plan for the Pascual brand in the online channel for the next 3 years.
- Standardizing negotiation processes with customers to maximize results.